We're hoping to film the therapy session at The Nottingham Contemporary in one of the rooms called The Study. We think this would be perfect as the room is filled with books and chairs and can work to create a life-like representation of a therapy room. If this is not possible, we shall find another location to film to ensure that the verisimillitude is sustained.
For Dr. Winters, we'd like his costume to consist of a smart, suit-type outfit that will use brown as a neutral colour to declare his position in Jasper's life as neutral. The jacket will be tweed-like to show sophistication, although he will be wearing a shirt that's open buttoned without a tie to make his character seem more relaxed. This sets their relationship as one with trust and responsibilty.
In the therapy session, there will high-key lighting as there are large windows that allow a lot of light. This would be ideal as having high-key lighting allows for a more positive atmosphere for the session and fits with the white that Jasper will be wearing.
Throughout the flashbacks, low-key lighting will be used to depict the sadness and emotion felt by Jasper throughout her dark and troubling times.
Joelle and I are hoping to get various other shots of Jasper walking in various locations. We're hoping to get these at various places around Toton/Stapleford, Wollaton Hall, Highfields Park and other picturesque places. We also hope to record clips of Jasper walking down a dimly lit street and up a hill to cut into the flashbacks.
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