Prelim Task - Session 1
Session 1 Tuesday 1st November
In this 2 hour lesson, Me, Elliot Hall, Vicky Maskell and Chloe Spencer began planning our prelim task. We began by brainstorming ideas on an A3 sheet. We each wrote ideas down and bounced idea's off of each other.
We assigned each member of the group with character names. This was mostly down to Elliot.
Rachel Pride : Isabelle Zagrafos
Elliot Hall: Thomas Shoddington
Vicky Maskell: Joanne Cheung
Chloe Spencer: Fiona Swamperman
Eventually, we came up with a brief outline of a script and kept rearranging and editing the dialogue and adding details to certain parts.
By continously changing and editing our script we found that we could improve our whole task by making minor changes here and there to ensure it was the best of our ability.
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